4日目ぐらいの動画 ぷくぷくと呼吸してきています こうなると芽が出始めています ただまだ生え揃っていないのでもう少し我慢 このあたりのさじ加減はまだまだ経験不足です 今はマニュアル通り積算100度で行なっています 種によっては休眠が浅い、深いありますので臨機応変に 消毒済み種子なんかは浸種三日は換水しないとあります。 未消毒種子はアブシジン酸という休眠阻害物質を洗い流すために換水を行います 逆に発芽誘導はジベレリンという物質 種無しブドウの処理に使うホルモン剤ですね ジベレリン使ったら催芽が早いんじゃないの?って誰もが考えるようで 国内の米芽の文献ではジベレリンを使用している実験もしていますね ジベレリンを使用するとアミラーゼの酵素力価がアップする結果も出ています が、残念ながらドーピングをしても麦芽の酵素力価には遠く及ばないという結果に 大麦麦芽の実験の時にジベレリンを購入したけれど、なんだか不自然だと思い仕舞い込んだままになっています。 休眠と発芽のサイクルの参考ページ Regarding seed soaking In a video around the fourth day, the seeds are seen breathing, making puffy sounds. At this stage, the sprouting process has begun, but the growth is not yet uniform, so a little more patience is needed. I still lack experience in finding the right balance for this stage. Currently, I am following the manual and soaking the seeds at a temperature of 100 degrees. Depending on the type of seed, some may have shallow or deep dormancy, so it's important to be flexible and adapt accordingly. For disinfected seeds, it is recommended not to change the water for three days during soaking. However, for non-disinfected seeds, water is changed to wash away the dormancy inhibiting substance called abscisic acid. On the other hand, gibberellin is used for germination induction. Gibberellin is a hormone used in the treatment of seedless grapes. Many people wonder if using gibberellin can speed up germination. In domestic literature on rice germination, experiments using gibberellin have been conducted. Using gibberellin has shown an increase in the enzyme activity of amylase. However, unfortunately, even with such doping, the enzyme activity of malt barley falls far behind. I purchased gibberellin for an experiment with barley malt, but I felt it was somehow unnatural and ended up putting it aside. For reference on the dormancy and germination cycle, you can visit the following page: https://www.snowseed.co.jp/wp/wp-content/uploads/grass/692_03.pdf (Japanese)